Original and undiluted palm oil is here. Palm oil is an edible vegetables oil derived from the mesocarp (reddish pulp) of the fruit of the oil palms. The oil is used in food manufacturing, beauty products and more. Palm oil accounted for about 36% of global oils produced from crops
Palm oil is one of the most effective and widely used vegetable oils that Comes from palmtrees.
Palm oil is an extremely versatile boil that has many different properties and functions that makes it so useful.
Palm oil is resistance to oxidation, so can products a longer shelf-life. It stable at high temperature so helps to give fried products crispy and crunchy texture.
Palm oil is odourless and colorless, so it doesn’t alter the look or smell of foot products.
In Africa and Asia countries, palm oil is used widely as cooking oil., As well as being versatile compared to other vegetable oils.
Palm oil is made from palm fruits. Palm fruit is a very effective crop able to produce large quantities of oil over small area of land.
Uses Of Palm Oil
1. Preparation of Egwusi soup
2. Preparation of vegetable soup
3. Preparation of red oil stew
4. Native jellof rice
5. Native Black soap and many more
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