• DNDC Potato Powder

     Potato powder is processed from premium sweet potatoes cultivated in the fertile soil of Africa! It has been subjected to a fermentation process, that reduces its starch content and, transforms it into a prebiotic-rich product that, facilitates   gut health, contribute to a robust immune system, aiding in defense against infections, and promoting overall wellbeing.

    This multipurpose gluten free flour, is a valuable addition to meals! It can be used for swallows (concentrated carb meal). It can serve as a thickener for coatings, soups, gravies or sauces and as a composite ingredient in varieties of recipes including pastry products. Ensure to incorporate it in your diets to enjoy its health benefits

  • DNDC Zillex Meal

    Zillex meal is a nutritious food made from a blend of Vitamin A-biofortified maize, cassava, and soybeans. It contains essential micronutrients particularly vitamin A which is needed for proper growth and development, strong immune system, reproductive health and good eyesight.

    The inclusion of soyabeans to Zillex enriches it with protein and antioxidants

     Zillex meal contains fiber, which is important for digestive health and helps in maintaining regular bowel movements. It has a low glycemic index, which makes it a suitable choice for people managing their blood sugar levels.  Zillex, can be prepared as swallow and eaten with any soup of your choice. It can also be used as a composite ingredient in a wide range of recipes including pastry products.

    Its combination of essential nutrients, low glycemic index, and versatility in preparation makes it a nutritious option suitable for all age groups, and a valuable addition to your dietary choices

  • DNDC Fibermix

    Fibermix is a distinctive combination of two superfoods, Fingermillet and Blackseed. The synergy of these two ingredients in Fibermix makes it an exceptional and indispensable addition to your meals!  Its low glycemic index and rich nutritional value combined with strengthening the immune system makes, it appropriate for all, including the elderly.

    Fibermix can be prepared in diverse ways, such as swallow (concentrated carb meal), “Ragi” pancake, “fura da nono” gruel,  pudding, fingermillet balls etc. Consider incorporating Fibermix into your diet for a healthier lifestyle.


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