• Nature’s Curry Powder (100g)


    Nature’s Planet Curry Powder is a versatile and aromatic spice blend used for various cuisine world wild, particularly in Indian, Africa and South East Asian Cooking. If is a carefully balanced mixture of several ground spices, most commonly including. Turmeric, coriander, cumin, Fenugreek, ginger etc. These ingredients combine to give curry powder it’s bold, earthly and slightly spicy flavor.


  • Nature’s Plantain Flour (1kg)


    Plantain Flour is gluten free flour made from green, unripe plantains that have been peeled dried and ground into fine powder. It’s a great alternative for those with gluten intolerance or celiac dieses; it is rich in fiber, acids digestion and promotes a feeling of fullness. Contains vitamin and minerals e.g. Vitamin C and Vitamin A.

  • Nature’s Yaji spice (100g)


    Yaji Spice also known as suya spice is a popular seasoning blend from West Africa. Preparing grilled meat dishes such as suya. The vibrant spice mix-combines a variety of ground ingredients to create a rich and complex flavor profile.


  • Nature’s Banga Spice (100g)


    It is primarily used in the preparation of Banga Soup, which is made from palm nut extract and often served with various proteins like meat and fish. The spice blend infuses the soup with complex flavors making if a delicious and hearty meal. It can also be used to enhance other dishes providing a warmth and savory kick.

  • Nature’s Hot Chili Pepper (250g)


    Hot Chilli peppers are staple ingredients in many culsives, prized for their heat and flavor. They add complexity to dishes and offer various health benefits, making them a valuable addition to a wide range of culinary creation, it is rich in Vitamin C and A which supports immune function and eye health.

  • Nature’s Palm Oil (Unadultrated) (1kg)


    Nature’s Plant unadulterated palm oil is a versatile vegetable oil extracted from the fruits of oil palm tree. It is widely used in cooking, food production and various industrial applications. It has a distinctive rich and nutty flavor suitable for various culinary uses.

  • Nature’s Pepper soup spice (100g)


    Nature’s Planet pepper soup spice is a rich aromatic blend of traditional African spices designed to enhance the flavor of pepper soup, a popular dish in West Africa. This carefully curated mix typically included ingredients like Uda seeds, Calabash nutmeg (Ehuru), Clove etc each spice contributes. It’s unique flavor, resulting in a balanced earthy and spicy blend that brings warmth and depth to any soup.

  • Nature’s Ogoni Yellow Garri (2kg)


    Ogoni garri has a mild, slightly nutty flavor with characteristics tanginess due to the fermentation process during production. It is a rich source of carbon hydrates, it serves as a primary energy source. It contains Vitamins and minerals in small amounts such as Vitamin C. It is commonly soaked with cold water


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